Category: Attitude
Six Words That Increase Company Spirit
The following words will increase company spirit in your organization. See how often you can find reason to use these words to help team members know their contributions are recognized and appreciated. Significant—says “your contributions matter” Please—simple, but under-used in most organizations Important—says “you’re necessary to our success” Respect—says “you’re opinions matter” Impressed—shows appreciation for excellence...
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The Power of Affirmations
If you’ve ever played sports you know the power of affirmations. The power of a team chanting, “we’re #1” before, in fact, they are the top team. Or, the power of telling yourself you will win an event. And while the affirmation doesn’t always produce the ultimate goal, when repeated with absolute conviction, it greatly...
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Go Beyond POTY Training!

So what is the POTY training mentality? Well, POTY is an acronym for “Program Of The Year;”‘ a scenario most of us have experienced more than once. A company will embrace an old and/or new concept or philosophy like Who Moved My Cheese, or FISH!, just to name a few oldies. These were and are great...
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Creating a "Know Focus"
Having a “know focus” means focusing on what you already know. A number of clients have called me asking, “What’s new in customer service?” or “What’s new in leadership?” Sometimes they are really asking “How can we help our people get motivated and excited about their work again?” In many cases we don’t need new...
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Managing Employee Expectations

Recent research showed that 32% of Americans would like to leave their current employers. That translates to 32% who are probably disengaged. The top five engagement factors (in order) were: being treated with respect work-life balance the type of work that you do the quality of people you work with the quality of the organization’s...
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Good Customer Service Can Be Therapeutic
Several years ago my neurologist, who is more than an hour from home, prescribed physical therapy 2-3 a week. In an attempt to find a therapist closer to home, I took a referral from a good friend who loves his physical therapist. I never got a chance to see how good the therapist is, because...
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"Code Phrase" Could End Pity Parties
My family has always had a weird way of making light of a wimpy display of self-pity. If one of the six McMichael children whined or complained about something insignificant, they would likely hear this family response: “Moo, Moo, Moo, Moo.” Now I don’t know where this silly retort came from, but I do know...
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Emotional Intelligence Versus IQ
Research indicates that one’s EI (emotional intelligence) appears to be a better indicator of potential success than IQ. Why? Because emotional intelligence is used to drive one’s own emotions in a positive direction, and causes one to react appropriately to the emotions of others. And… while IQ is believed to be fixed at birth, EI can be developed and improved! If...
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Emotional Intelligence Competences & Leadership
The five emotional intelligence or EI competencies are: Self-Awareness—the ability to be aware of your feelings and the feelings of others. Self-Regulation—the ability to regulate your reactions to emotions. Self-Motivation—the ability to motivate yourself. Empathy—the ability to recognize and respond appropriately to others’ emotions. Effective Relationships—the ability to influence and persuade others for the good...
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Use Thanks to Raise Employee Spirit
Thank those who focus on positives during challenging situations. Harness positive energy with daily reminders of things to be thankful for. Ask for input and ideas and then highlight how those used contributed to increased success. Notes of encouragement are helpful when things aren’t going exactly right. Kindness goes a long way—especially when directed toward...
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Creating Ownership
Years ago I work with the City of Kissimmee Sanitation Department and they knew how to create ownership. Here are a few examples: Drivers test-drove vehicles and selected the model for purchase. Each truck is personalized with the driver’s first name. Team members selected the uniform style for their division. What could you do to...
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Have Trophy Will Travel …
Every company needs a traveling trophy! Choose a fun (and durable) symbol of recognition, like a 10” Happy (from the Seven Dwarfs) beanbag doll. Award it to someone who deserves a pat on the back for contributing to a happy, productive workplace. Here’s the stipulation—the “trophy” can only stay in the recipient’s possession for one...
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Start the Workday With Something Fun
While preparing for a speech in one of the Universal Studios Hard Rock Café banquet rooms some time ago, I heard a cadence chant reminiscent of those from the old army movie Stripes. I walked out of the banquet room to get a closer look and discovered it was a team of Hard Rock employees...
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Code Phrase Can End Pity Parties
My family has always had a weird way of making light of a wimpy display of self-pity. If one of the six McMichael children whined or complained about something insignificant, they would likely hear this family response: “Moo, Moo, Moo, Moo.” Now I don’t know where this silly retort came from, but I do know...
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What Is Diversity
What words or phrases come to mind when you think of diversity? Typical responses include things like color, ethnicity, people with disabilities, gender, age, family status, religion or sexual orientation. But diversity goes way beyond the typical responses. It also includes things like appearance, communication style, music interests, mobility, job status, national origin, socio/economic status,...
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Service Savvy & Diversity
Service savvy means providing outstanding service to internal and external customers, regardless of how different they may be from you. Here are five things you can do to increase your service savvy: Demonstrate Respect—go beyond tolerating differences and strive to appreciate those who are different from you. (Example: remember that kids are customers too!) Avoid Assumptions—be...
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Employees Aren't Loyal To Companies
Employees are loyal to people, not companies. Just think about your all time favorite job and I’ll bet you loved the people you worked with, including your boss. Now think about how he or she made you feel about yourself and your work. I have posed this very scenario to participants in my workshops for...
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