Improving Leadership, Customer Service, and Communication

TEMPLATE: layout

Category: Handling Stress


Lower Stress To Increase Productivity

Job Fulfillment and Satisfaction = Increased Productivity and Retention A number of organizations are facing cost-cutting challenges, which means finding ways to do more with less. Unfortunately, the result can often add stress to employees who are asked to carry more responsibilities, which can adversely affect productivity. In these cases, it’s more critical than ever to...
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Use Humor To Relieve Stress and Boost Morale

Watch a sit-com during lunch hour. Establish a department or company bulletin board for appropriate humorous stories, jokes and cartoons. Take a daily humor moment. On a rotating basis team members are invited to tell an appropriate joke or humorous story. Depending on the size and logistics of your company, your daily humor moment may be...
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Really Take a Break

What are you doing during your breaks and at lunch? Intended as times to refresh and rest, the benefits are lost if these times are devoted to exchanges about the fears of the world or complaints about PITAs (Pain In The Assets) people. Taking time to play will actually increase creativity and productivity. Put some...
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Where Is Your Focus When Mistakes Happen?

True leaders focus on positives while others are trapped dealing with negativity.  How did you react the last time something went wrong in your department or organization?  Did you focus on the negative events leading up to the problem?  Did you identify fault and take the necessary disciplinary action? I don’t remember when or where...
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